Extractive Industries

Power Metal finds further gold mineralisation at Tati

Power Metal Resources plc said new sampling results further demonstrated gold mineralisation continuity within the 8km-long gold trend at Tati near Francistown, Botswana.

Positive: Power Metal is more confident than ever that the project holds very significant value (stock photo)


The company first confirmed the project’s large-scale gold-in-soil anomaly in September 2021 two months after acquiring the project.

Today’s published results are from last year’s extensive soil sampling and show the presence of three “significant” gold-in-soil geochemical anomalies of Northwest (NW), Southwest (SW) and Cherished Hope (CH).

A total 446 individual soil samples, taken from four separate grid areas, tested additional gold mineralised zones within the 8km-long trend which extends in a northwest-southeast direction through Tati.

Of the samples taken, three returned greater than 500 parts per billion (ppb) gold including individual soil sample gold assay results of 568ppb, 831ppb and 1,076ppb gold, equivalent to 1.076 g/t.

Power Metal said that 29 samples returned 100ppb gold or above, with the majority forming part of the CH anomaly, which is now wider than 600m and remains open in multiple directions.

The SW and NW anomalies are located 1,500m and 3,000m from the CH anomaly, showing potential for a “significantly” larger anomalous gold-in-soil footprint at Tati, subject to further infill sampling.

Power Metal added it continued to push forward commercial discussions on potential small-scale mining at its Cherished Hope gold mine, in parallel with continuing exploration work.

Chief executive Sean Wade said the results from gold soil sampling were “quite remarkable”.

“Each stage of work at Tati has delivered extremely positive findings and we are more confident than ever that the project holds very significant value for the company. 

“As a result, we are positively moving forward to next stage exploration whilst in parallel continuing discussions with potential partners interested in the early-stage mining possibility that exists at Tati.”

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