Power Metal Resources plc has appointed Owain Morton as a non-executive director with immediate effect.

Mr Morton, based in the UK, is an associate partner – Mining & Metals SME with IBM providing multi-sector business services and technology consulting.
His previous roles include technology and innovation manager for Glencore Global, technical strategy and risk management and operations excellence manager for ArcelorMittal Mining, and principal engineer for Barrick Gold Saudi Arabia.
Mr Morton holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mineral Surveying & Resource Management and a Master of Science degree in Mining Engineering, both from the University of Exeter / Cambourne School of Mines.
He currently holds no shares in Power Metal.
As part of his contract, the company has issued Mr Morton with 5 million options to subscribe for new ordinary shares in Power Metal of 0.1p each at an exercise price of 3.25 pence with a life to expiry of 3 years from today.
The options are subject to a minimum service of six months and may not be exercised until the volume weighted average price of Power Metal shares trades at 5.0 pence for ten consecutive trading days.