Extractive Industries

Power Metal mobilises crews ahead of drilling at Tati

Power Metal Resources plc said that exploration crews had mobilised ahead of drilling next month as part of Phase II gold-nickel exploration in the Tati Greenstone belt near Francistown, Botswana.

Priority: Power Metal plans to start a rotary air blast drilling campaign at the gold-nickel Tati project (Power Metal Resources)


The Phase II exploration programme involves planning ground-based magnetometer and radiometric geophysical surveys over 125 line-km split across three priority survey grids (Grids 3, 4 and 5) containing high priority soil anomalies.

The geophysics surveys will employ Gem Systems GSM-19TW proton magnetometers and Radiation Solutions RS-125 spectrometers.

“These surveys will assist with identifying important geological structures and help discriminate between various lithological units which may correlate with orogenic gold and/or magmatic nickel mineralisation,” said Power Metal.

“The goal of the Phase II work programme is to further refine high-priority targets identified by the Phase I programme geochemical results which will then be targeted by Power Metal’s inaugural rotary air blast drilling campaign on the project which is planned to start mid-September.”


The company acquired a 100% interest in the project in July 2021 through its local wholly owned operating subsidiary Power Metal Resources Botswana Pty Ltd.

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