Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal investee identifies VTEM anomaly at Pickle Lake

Power Metal Resources plc’s investee has identified a significant multi-line electro-magnetic (EM) anomaly at the nickel-copper Pickle Lake project in the Schreiber-Hemlo belt, Ontario, Canada.

Campaign: the JV has completed extensive soil and outcrop rock sampling (Palladium One)


The project, formerly known as Pezim II, is a joint venture (JV) between First Class Metals Ltd and Palladium One.

In September 2021, Power Metal sold its Schreiber-Hemlo interests to First Class in which it now has a 36.1% interest.

The JV has submitted an exploration permit and completed a sampling programme at Pickle Lake.


A Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic airborne survey (VTEMmax survey) was conducted during the summer.

Preliminary results identified the 600-metre, multi-line EM anomaly – the West Pickle Lake anomaly.


Following the survey’s results, the JV submitted an application for an exploration permit that could potentially lead to a drilling campaign.

The JV has also completed an extensive soil and outcrop rock sampling campaign the results of which are expected by the end of 2021.