Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal identifies second notable conductor at MFC

Power Metal Resources plc has identified a second large geophysical conductor at the Molopo Farms Complex nickel-copper-platinum group element (PGE) project, southwest Botswana.

Figure 1: map of Molopo Farms Complex project plan in southwest Botswana (Power Metal Resources


The company previously identified at target area T-16 where two holes are currently being drilled.

Power Metal’s most recent findings follow anaylsis of data from ground-based electromagnetic (EM) as well as magnetic geophysical surveys covering target areas T1-14, T1-3 and T2-3.

Final results highlighted a “large flat-lying, slightly concave (downward)” strong conductor at target area T2-3 which has never been drilled.

The conductor remains open in all directions and is “strongly coincident” with an identified magnetic body shown to extend for some 12km in an east-west direction.

Power Metal has given the conductor at T-3 the same priority as the conductor at T1-6.


Once the drill holes at T1-6 are complete, the company plans a 600m diamond core drillhole, DDH2-3A, to intersect the T2-3 conductor at 300-350m downhole depth.


Power Metal is also considering follow-up work on five priority airborne electromatic (AEM) geophysics conductors (1-2, 1-4, 1-5, 1-10 and 1-11) identified by the previous operator.


Chief executive Paul Johnson added that the findings at T2-3 were potentially greater than those at T1-6.

“Significantly, airborne magnetic survey results over this new conductor suggest that it could be very sizeable.

“Our focus is the continuation of drilling at T1-6 which is still in its early stages and where the diamond drill is progressing down to the target zone.

“Further to T1-6 and now T2-3, we have confirmed numerous additional targets for further investigation where there is the potential for multiple additional drill targets to be identified.”

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