Power Metal Resources plc has identified additional multiple “significant” uranium targets at another two of its 17 projects in and around the Athabasca basin, Saskatchewan.

The findings, from the unmanned aerial vehicle magnetic geophysics surveys covering Clearwater and Cook Lake, are from the company’s 2023 exploration programme across its 1,012km2 portfolio.
At Clearwater, the survey focused on the northeast of the project and identified “multiple 1st and 2nd order magnetic lineament structures” considered by Power Metal as prospective for structurally related vein-type uranium mineralisation.
The survey significantly expanded the size of a previously identified target of Toots Lake by approximately 800 metres and identified a new target area termed Nesbitt Fault.
The survey over Cook Lake delineated the Central and Northern targets as priorities.
Both are associated with newly identified magnetic structural lineaments considered by the company to be coincident with “elevated” uranium-in-lake sediment results, as well as “historical radiometric anomalies”.