Extractive Industries

Power Metal identifies EM superconductor at Molopo

Power Metal Resources plc has identified a geophysical electromagnetic (EM) superconductor at its Molopo Farms Complex nickel-copper-platinum group elements project in Botswana.

Figure 1: a plan map of the Molopo Farms Complex project including targets (Power Metal)


The identification at target area T1-14, which is now upgraded to priority status, will be diamond drilled in the coming weeks.

Power Metal added that it was the strongest moving loop electromagnetic (MLEM) conductor identified at Molopo to date, with a conductance reading similar to that of massive sulphides.

Drilling at target area T1-14 will begin after the completion of diamond drillholes DDH1-6B and DDH1-6B(2), both targeting the conductor identified within target area T1-6.


“The term ‘superconductor’ is utilised here, to describe a region of very high geophysical conductivity as depicted by a very slow decay of the electromagnetic signal,” noted Power Metal.

“In the case of T1-14, the electromagnetic signal has not decayed to system noise levels after 2,000 milliseconds (msecs).

“The calculated decay constant is between 400 and 550 msecs which is common for massive nickel sulphides.”


Chief executive officer Paul Johnson said that the company now had four designated priority (A+) targets planned for testing during the current drilling campaign.

“The results from the extra MLEM work over target area T1-14 are quite definitive and have resulted in the upgrade of this target area following the identification of a superconductor.”

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