Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal delineates very high grade Ag at Silver Peak

Power Metal reported it had delineated very high grade silver at the Silver Peak project in British Columbia, Canada.

Encouraging: Power Metal expects to start a deep diamond drill programme at Silver Peak in March or April (fxempire)

The company managed to complete six diamond drill holes, each at an average of 12 feet, and collect rock chip samples using man-portable equipment before the snows fell at the end of November.

Weather conditions made transporting a drill rig to the site too risky.

Today’s published results showed 5,270 g/t or 169.5 troy oz/t silver in the Victoria Vein at a vertical elevation.

This is approximately 150m lower than the high-grade channel sampling intersections from Power Metal’s summer due diligence programme which showed up to 14,937 g/t or 480 troy oz/t silver).

Chief executive Paul Johnson described the preliminary figures as very encouraging and said the deep diamond drill programme would start after the Spring thaw in March or April 2021.