Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal completes sampling at Tati

Power Metal Resources plc has completed soil and rock sampling on its two gold-nickel licences in the Tati Greenstone Belt near Francistown, Botswana.

Results: show the size, scale and magnitude of the targets (Power Metal)


Power Metal exercised an option to acquire a 100% interest in the project at the end of July 2021, through its local wholly owned operating subsidiary Power Metal Resources Botswana (Pty).

The company said that a total 1,107 soil samples and 49 rock samples were collected across the five grid areas, exceeding the planned 1,000 soil samples.

Mapping identified several old workings including historical trenches, mine shafts and adits, with samples taken when possible.

A total 727 soil samples from grids two to five will be analysed by portable x-ray fluoresence spectrometer (pXRF).

Grid 1 samples, totalling 380, as well as all rock samples have been sent for labaratory assay.

Phase II work could include ground-based geophysics before rotary air blast drilling planned for late summer 2021.

Chief executive Paul Johnson added that the quick completion of phase I work so soon after the option exercise was a key step for the company.

“The due diligence work completed earlier this year by our exploration teams demonstrated multiple multi-kilometre arsenic, gold, and nickel anomalies, and we believe the results from our phase I ground exploration programme will continue to demonstrate the size, scale and magnitude of the targets that exist within the licences.”

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