Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal completes 2,402m drill at Molopo

Power Metal Resources plc has completed its 2,402m diamond drill programme at the Molopo Farms Complex nickel-platinum group element (PGE) project in southwestern Botswana.

Evidence: recent work and technical findings from the drill programme has further validated the geological model (Power Metal)


The company drilled five holes, focusing on four individual targets areas, to depths of between 300m and 650m.

Power Metal will complete logging before shipping remaining samples for testing.

“Historical exploration work completed at Molopo Farms prior to this drill programme demonstrated the validity of the feeder zone geological model with evidence of the targeted nickel sulphides,” said chief executive Paul Johnson.

“From our recent work and technical findings from this drill programme thus far, the model has been further validated.

“With diamond drilling, downhole geophysics, technical core review and assay testing we are bringing together a significant amount of data with multiple final datasets awaited, including assay results and the interpretation thereof.

“We expect the data and interpretations from this drill programme will add considerably to the existing understanding of what we believe is a particularly exciting opportunity at Molopo Farms.”