News Oil & Gas

Parkmead discovers gas columns at Drenthe VI

The Parkmead Group plc has encountered gas columns in the primary target horizons on completion of drilling at the onshore LDS-01 well in the Netherlands.

Infrastructure: will provide Parkmead with immediate net production and cashflow (Parkmead)


LDS-01 is the first of a two-well campaign on the Drenthe VI concession targeting several onshore gas prospects.

Parkmead said that the well, drilled to a depth of 2225m TVDSS*, encountered gas at multiple intervals.

LDS-01 will be tied in to production following conclusion of the LDS-02 well which the Drilltec Synergy 2 rig has spudded.


Executive chairman Tony Cross added that the immediate proximity to production infrastructure would allow an extremely short tie-in period.

“We expect first gas to be onstream within the first quarter of this year.

“This will provide Parkmead with immediate net production and cashflow.

“The discovery at LDS-01 significantly de-risks follow-on prospects that the LDS-02 well is targeting on the Drenthe VI concession.”

*True Vertical Depth Sub Sea