Panther Metals plc has completed its extended phase I diamond drilling at Dotted Lake on the north limb of the Schreiber-Hemlo greenstone belt in Ontario, Canada.

The company said it had drill tested initial target areas C, D, E and F, increasing operations from the original 1,200 metres to 1,558m across five holes.
Operations are focused on nickel, cobalt, copper, gold and platinum group element (PGE) bearing sulphide mineralisation in the northeast of the licence area.
Panther has submitted the first batch of drill core samples for assay and paused operations until it receives the results.
The drill rig remains on site for quick mobilisation, if results are positive, in early 2025 as part of the company’s drive to accelerate fieldwork.
Detailed geological logging, core cutting and sampling is ongoing.
A new trail network is also complete on the eastern side of the north shore of Dotted Lake, providing access for further rapid development of the project.
The company awaits additional data from a soil geochemical survey for the east half of the work area, covering targets E and F, and to the west and surrounding area of Lampson Lake.