Metals & Minerals News

Panther awarded Awkward West exploration permit

Panther Metals plc has received a three-year exploration permit for the Awkward West prospect on the Obonga greenstone belt in northern Ontario.

Interest: graphite discovery and magmatic feeder conduit theory (Pixabay)


The prospect includes the 730m long ‘trend 3’ graphite target and the Awkward magmatic feeder conduit target focused on a nickel-copper-platinum-palladium discovery.

The permit covers up to 31 planned diamond core drill hole pads and associated down-hole geophysics surveys, and up to 12 pits or trenches across the Awkward West target area.

Panther already holds exploration permits for Obonga’s Survey volcanogenic massive sulphide discovery and the Ottertooth and Silver Rim prospect areas; and for the Wishbone VMS target area.

Chief executive Darren Hazelwood said that the graphite discovery and the magmatic feeder conduit theory on Awkward West had independently sparked significant interest.

“With this comprehensive exploration permit now in place, we are positioned to significantly advance this area of Obonga.”

The Awkward West permit was awarded in association with Broken Rock Resources Ltd and Karen Siltamaki.

Panther’s flagship Obonga project, covering 291 km2, is prospective for copper, zinc, lead, nickel, gold, silver, platinum group metals, with lithium and graphite potential.