Metals & Minerals News

Oriole sampling results extend Bakassi Zone 1 at Bibemi

Oriole Resources plc said that recent results from a completed soil sampling programme showed continuity of a gold system at its 90% owned Bibemi project in Cameroon.

Connection: highlighted results from infill soil sampling
between Bakassi and Lawa (Oriole Resources)


Soil sampling was completed for 1,455 samples over the southern half of Bibemi, extending and infilling historical regional sampling grids.

Results have returned up to 271 ppb Au and have confirmed a continuation of the structurally-controlled gold system at Bakassi Zone 1, connecting it with the Lawa West prospect some 3km to the southwest;

Oriole added that Phase 3 diamond drilling at Bakassi Zone 1 was now complete with results expected during Q1 2022.


Oriole’s executive director for exploration and business development Claire Bay said that the company was pleased with the results despite only limited veins outcropping at surface.

“The gold system at Bibemi is now confirmed over a strike length of almost 12km at surface.

“A trenching programme will now be designed over the strongest anomalies at Lawa West and Lawa East, to help identify potential drilling targets to follow the pilot campaign completed last year.

“We also look forward to receiving results from the recently completed Phase 3 drilling at Bakassi Zone 1, later this quarter.”