Metals & Minerals News

Oriole results back model for Bibemi gold exploration

Oriole Resources plc said that drill results showed that its preliminary exploration model for mineralisation was correct at the Bibemi gold project in Cameroon.

Confirmation: Oriole says that the results prove that its preliminary exploration model for mineralisation is correct (Pixabay)

The company today reported further high grade intersections from its 3,118m diamond drilling programme at its 51%-owned venture.

Holes BBDD002 to BBDD009 are all from the 5.3km-long Bakassi Zone 1 prospect and include best intersections of 2.45m grading 2.96 g/t Au, 3.60m grading 1.75 g/t Au and 12.40m grading 0.71 g/t Au.

Oriole said that the results have confirmed more than 100m vertical continuity, from the surface, to the system, which remains open at depth. 

The company’s first drilling programme is testing four key prospects of Bakassi Zone 1, Bakassi Zone 2, Lawa West and Lawa East for a total 29 holes at Bibemi.

The remaining results from a further 20 holes are expected by the end of the second quarter of 2021.

Oriole chief executive Tim Livesey said that each of the four prospect areas at Bibemi showed subtly different host geology and dynamic structural regimes.

“These results prove that our preliminary exploration model for mineralisation is correct and that the orogenic-style mineralisation we had previously identified at surface does indeed continue vertically along the mapped shear / vein systems.

“The structural logging, mapping and interpretation work carried out by our geological team, in addition to the recent support of a specialist structural geologist from SRK, has further strengthened our understanding of the area.”