Metals & Minerals News

Oriole records up to 134 g/t from sampling at CLP

Oriole Resources plc reported multiple high grades, including 134.10 grammes per tonne (g/t) gold from rock-chip sampling at its 90%-owned Central Licence Package (CLP) project in Cameroon.

Belief: the CLP project shows potential to host significant gold resources (Oriole Resources)


The 4,091km2 project comprises nine contiguous licences over previously unexplored Paleo-Proterozoic to Pan-African age rocks prospective for commodities, including orogenic-style gold mineralisation and lithium.

Soil sampling in 2022 identified a 12.5km-long and 3km-wide gold-mineralised corridor at Mbe, one of five licences within the Eastern CLP block which the company has sectioned into six soil grids.


During Q4 2022, Oriole conducted mapping and selective rock-chip sampling over outcropping rocks, predominantly quartz veins.

The company reported best results of 134.10, 131.80, 19.44 and 8.26 g/t gold from the north-northeast trending corridor.

“The 134.10 and 131.80 g/t Au samples were taken approximately 60m apart on the same 1.5m-wide vein structure that outcrops close to the previously reported best gold-in-soil anomaly of 838 parts per billion (ppb) Au, equivalent to 0.84 g/t Au,” said Oriole in a statement.

“The vein outcrops over a strike length of over 150m and appears to be part of a larger network of veins.”

Analysis of a further 493 soil samples over Grid 6 at Mbe returned a single anomalous sample of 257 ppb Au but did not extend the 12.5km long gold-in-soil anomalism at Mbe.

Oriole plans a ground-based geophysics programme over the Mbe anomaly to test the vein structures at depth and to help develop the geological model.

The team also continues to review the Ndom and Gamboukou licences to assess their potential to host lithium-bearing pegmatites.


“As with the Bibemi licence to the north, the orogenic gold systems of the CLP project show potential to host significant gold resources and these recent results continue to support our belief that Cameroon is a new frontier for gold in Africa,” said chief executive Tim Livesey.

“With a significant, contiguous land package over an area reconfirmed by the World Bank’s PRECASEM* programme as the largest single area of gold anomalism in Cameron, Oriole is best placed for success, proving that early stage, grass roots exploration still has a place in Africa.”

*Mining Sector Capacity Building Project (PRECASEM) – social accountability of Cameroon’s mining sector