Metals & Minerals News

Oriole notes drilling refocus on Faré at Senala

Oriole Resources plc’s joint venture partner has restarted drilling at the Senala gold project in Senegal.

Drilling: Oriole expects results from two programmes in the first quarter of 2022 (Pixabaygeneric)


As part of its Year 4 earn-in, IAMGOLD Corporation has completed four holes for 401m at the Madina Bafé prospect to test the main northeast trending corridor.

The Canadian company has refocused the remainder of its Year 4 budget towards further exploration at Faré having recently completed a 2,160m reverse circulation drilling programme in 18 holes.

Three fence lines area planned to test the north-eastern extension – and potential connectivity – of the three main anomalies at the prospect.

Oriole said it expected results from both programmes early in Q1 2022.


Subject to completion of the Year 4 expenditure plan, IAMGOLD will have the right to acquire a 51% interest in the project.

The company needs to spend a further US$4 million over two years to earn a 70% interest.