Metals & Minerals News

Oriole confirms visible gold at Lawa prospects

Oriole Resources plc announced that visible free gold mineralisation had been identified in multiple holes at its 51%-owned Bibemi gold project in Cameroon.

Test: Oriole is three quarters through the 28-hole diamond drill programme at Bibemi in Cameroon (Oriole Resources)

The miner’s current diamond drill programme for 3,080 metres in 28 holes is testing the depth extension of surface gold mineralisation identified at four key prospects: Bakassi Zone 1, Bakassi Zone 2, Lawa West and Lawa East.

The prospects lie within a 8.3-km long orogenic gold system that remains open to the southwest.

Oriole said that the free gold mineralisation was identified at Lawa West prospect (hole BBDD019) and the Lawa East prospect (holes BBDD014 and BBDD020), both located towards the southern extent of the system.

The gold is hosted by quartz-tourmaline veins up to 1 metre wide at a downhole depth of approximately 70 metres.

It has a strong association with pyrite, occurring as both finely disseminated and coarser grains, some of which is visible in the pre-cut core in holes BBDD019 and BBDD020.

Cameroon: Oriole is exercising its option to acquire a 51% interest in the Bibemi and Wapouzé projects (Oriole Resources)

Oriole said that its team was now three-quarters through the planned programme, with a total of 2,233.55 metres complete in 21 holes.

Under the terms of its option agreement with Bureau d’Etudes et d’Investigations Géologico-minières, Géotechniques et Géophysiques SARL (BEIG3), Oriole is exercising its option to acquire a 51% interest in the Bibemi and Wapouzé projects, having spent an initial US$1.56 million.

Completion of the drilling programme at Bibemi should see Oriole satisfy the conditions to earn a 90% interest in the projects.

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