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Oriole confirms gold at all four Bibemi prospects

Oriole Resources plc confirmed gold at all four prospects and the potential for large-scale mineralisation at 8.3km-long orogenic system at Bibemi in Cameroon.

Targets: Oriole says that there is more opportunity to expand the area of gold mineralisation (Oriole Resources – trench sampling at Bibemi)

The news followed the company’s final results for its recently completed initial diamond drill programme at the 51%-owned project.

Best intersections from the remaining holes BBDD010 to BBDD029 include 3.10m grading 1.07 g/t gold and 0.80m grading 27.90 g/t Au, with the latter correlating with a previously reported visible gold interval.

The widest zones of mineralisation to date of up to 12m have been returned from the southern end of the Bakassi Zone 1 prospect, with the most robust intervals including 2.45m grading 2.96 g/t Au, 3.60m grading 1.75 g/t Au and 12.40m grading 0.71 g/t Au.

Oriole said that there appeared to be clear continuity of the mineralised structures between drilling fence lines BZ1_L6 and BZ1_L7, which are 800m apart, and it interpreted that the mineralisation continues southwards along strike to Lawa West.

Infill and extension drilling around these lines will be a priority focus for further drilling later in the year while work plans are being designed for all the prospects.


Bakassi Zone 1: 3.10m grading 1.07 g/t Au from 42.30m (BBDD025)

Bakassi Zone 2: 0.85m grading 4.59 g/t Au from 78.00m (BBDD024) – related to visible gold observed in the core: and 1.00m grading 1.37 g/t Au from 61.00m (BBDD011)

Lawa West: 1.00m grading 2.68 g/t Au from 83.85m (BBDD017); and 1.00m grading 2.64 g/t Au from 83.10m (BBDD018)

Lawa East: 0.80m grading 27.90 g/t Au from 69.00m (BBDD020) – related to visible gold observed in the core; and 1.00m grading 1.35 g/t Au from 111.20m (BBDD015)

Follow-up programmes are also being planned for the Bakassi Zone 2 and Lawa East prospects for the next field season during Q4.


“The indication of several areas of gold potential within the broader 8.5km footprint of the systems gives us multiple targets to follow up in phase 2,” added chief executive Tim Livesey. 

“For example, the area between fence lines BZ1_L6 and BZ1_L7 is an obvious target for infill drilling to prove continuity between those two lines.

“As these lines are 800m apart, there is ample space for a significant resource to develop, should the results merit it.

“Both lines remain open to the north and south, giving yet more opportunity to expand this area of gold mineralisation.”

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