Extractive Industries

Oriole awaits results of 1,980 samples from Cameroon

Oriole Resources plc said it expected results during Q3 2022 of 1,980 samples from its 90% owned Central Licence Package (CLP) and Bibemi gold projects in Cameroon.

Potential: Oriole aims to improve understanding of the geological controls on mineralisation at Bibemi (Pixabay – generic)


The CLP project (3,592km2), located in the centre of  Cameroon, comprises eight contiguous licences (five defined as Eastern CLP and three as Western CLP).

Oriole completed the 2021-22 field season earlier this month and sent a total of 1,742 soil samples from the Eastern CLP (relating to Grid 3, Grid 5 and Grid 6) for analysis.

All outstanding results (Grid 2 to Grid 6) are anticipated during Q3 2022.

The company added that a review of the multi-element data from Grid 1, which has already returned gold grades of up to 838 ppb Au (0.84 g/t Au), had identified the potential for non-precious metals upside within the Eastern CLP.


The Bibemi orogenic gold project (177km2) in northern Cameroon comprises four main prospects identified to date: Bakassi Zone 1,  Bakassi Zone 2,  Lawa West and Lawa East.

Bakassi Zone 1 is the most advanced in terms of exploration work completed. 

Oriole sent a total of 238 core samples from the Phase IV diamond drilling programme.

The company also anticipates a JORC compliant exploration target at Bibemi later this year.

Both field camps have now been closed for the season.


Chief executive Tim Livesey added that the first half of 2022 had been a busy time for the team.

“We continue to be impressed by the discoveries in the CLP.

“Significant gold-in-soil anomalies from the initial sampling grids indicate to us that this has the potential to become a new gold district in Africa.

“At Bibemi, we await assay results from the most recent drilling, with a view to improving our understanding of the geological controls on mineralisation. 

“Visual inspection of the core looks promising, especially in relation to the horizontal veining, which has the capacity to increase mineralised volumes significantly.”

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