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Obituary – mining executive Richard Conroy

Richard Conroy, whose experience covered mining, entrepreneurship, politics and medicine, has died aged 91 following a brief illness.


In 1995 Professor Conroy founded Conroy Gold and Natural Resources plc, of which he was executive chairman, exploring for base and precious metals in Ireland.

He also held the same positions at Karelian Diamond Resources plc focused on Finland.

Earlier in his career Professor Conroy established Trans-International Oil, focused on Irish offshore exploration, and Conroy Petroleum and Natural Resources plc involved in onshore and offshore oil production and exploration as well as mineral exploration.

In 1986 Conroy Petroleum discovered the Galmoy zinc deposits in County Kilkenny which developed as a major zinc mine.

Conroy Petroleum was a founding member of the Stoneboy consortium, which discovered the world-class Pogo gold deposit in Alaska.

Conroy Petroleum later became ARCON International Resources plc, of which Professor Conroy was chairman and chief executive.

He was also member of the executive committee of the Trilateral Commission.

In the field of medicine, Professor Conroy was an Emeritus Professor of Physiology in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

His research included “pioneering work on jet lag, shift working and decision taking in business after intercontinental flights”. He also co-wrote the first text book on circadian rhythms.

His political career between 1997 and 1999 saw him twice elected for Fianna Fáil to Seanad Éireann, and serving on Dublin County Council and Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council.

Conroy Gold deputy chairman John Sherman today paid tribute on behalf of the board to Professor Conroy.

“Richard will be missed by us all. 

“His immense contribution to and achievements within medicine, Irish politics, and mineral exploration globally earned him the respect of all.

“He was an entrepreneur to the very end, building a vision that Ireland would become a world leader in exploration and mining.

“Following on from leading the development of a major zinc mine in Galmoy, his vision, founded in knowledge of gold evidenced in an antimony mine in Clontibret, was that Ireland was an emerging gold province with significant potential for economic scale ore bodies. 

“Inspired by his tenacity, we recommit ourselves as a company to deliver on Richard’s vision.”

Karelian deputy chairman Séamus FitzPatrick added: “Richard’s accomplishments across the diverse range of medicine, politics and indeed mineral exploration garnered respect from all. 

“His entrepreneurial and inquiring spirit was excited by the opportunities in mine exploration and development, and his skills, honed in zinc and gold in Ireland, spread to Finland where his vision of the Karelian Craton having the potential for a significant European diamond mine is being steadily realised by the company. 

“Equally, the company’s recent progress on its copper, nickel and platinum group element project in Northern Ireland held true to his belief in the potential of Ireland to provide a European solution to the shortfall in critical minerals necessary for a modern economy.

“In Karelian Diamond Resources, we intend to continue to build on his substantial legacy and deliver on Richard’s vision for the company.”

Professor Conroy: 12 September 1933 – October 2024.