Metals & Minerals News

New mineralised zones identified at Gairloch

High grade potential and new zones of mineralisation have been identified from recent exploration drill results at the Gairloch gold project’s Kerry Road deposit.

Modern: geophysics will be conducted over the 10km-long known mineralised belt to prioritise drill targets (stock photo)


Galantas Gold Corporation’s fifth hole 23-GL-05, targeting a geophysical anomaly, intersected 1.87 g/t gold, 1.17% copper, 1.20% zinc, 131 g/t cobalt and 7.06 g/t silver over 34.25 metres.

Drilled vertically and 22 metres east of hole 23-GL-04, the hole intersected the mineralised unit at 10m down to 44.25m.

The Canadian company also identified previously unknown zones of mineralisation for a further 100m below the main mineralised zone down to a depth of 144m. 

Recent and historical drilling have identified a mineralised trend with a strike of over 1km and to a depth of 250 metres.

“Our first drill programme at the Gairloch project continues to exceed management’s expectations, as the results from this fifth hole has further solidified the high-grade copper-gold potential while extending known mineralisation to depth,” said chief executive officer Mario Stifano.

“Mineralisation has been drilled over an area 1km in strike, up to 150 metres wide and to a depth of 250 metres, and remains open.

“The company plans to conduct modern geophysics over the 10km-long known mineralised belt to prioritise drilling targets for a planned new drilling programme.”

Galantas holds a 100% interest and the exclusive rights to explore and develop the 217 km² mineral licence area covering the Gairloch schist belt.