Neptune Energy today announced that production from 2020 to 2021 increased by two million barrels of oil equivalents (boe) from its operated Gjøa platform in the Norwegian North Sea.

The company said that gross production over the Gjøa platform ended on 42 million boe in 2021, compared with 40 million boe in 2020.
A total of 76% of the production was gas, all of which is exported through the FLAGS pipeline to the St Fergus gas terminal in the UK.
Neptune added that the increased production was due mainly to production start-up from the Gjøa P1 infill development in February and the Duva field tie-back in August.
Additionally, production from the tie-back field Vega, operated by Wintershall Dea, and the Gjøa field itself, has been better than expected.
The company has increased estimated reserves on the Gjøa field by 38% since the approval in 2007 of the plan for development and production.
Head of operations in Norway, Martin Borthne, said the company’s ambition to develop the Gjøa platform into a host facility and a hub for nearby discoveries had succeeded.
“This has not only prolonged the life of the Gjøa platform itself, but has resulted in far higher value creation than expected at start-up.
“Successful utilisation of the Gjøa infrastructure as a hub is further seen as a critical enabler for continued exploration and development in this part of the North Sea.”
Mr Borthne added that Neptune expected to bring on stream a fourth tie-in field to the Gjøa facilities – Wintershall Dea’s Nova field.
The company also plans to drill two exploration wells in the area and continue to mature other nearby discoveries and exploration opportunities as tie-in candidates.
“We have high expectations that the Gjøa hub will be in operation to 2040 and continue to create value in this area of the North Sea for many years to come,” he added.