Extractive Industries

Neptune to add further two wells on Cygnus

Neptune Energy said it had begun drilling its 10th well on the Cygnus gas field in the UK southern North Sea.

Field: Neptune Energy is planning a temporary shutdown at Cygnus (Neptune Energy)


The second of a two-well programme is due to come onstream during 2023, with both wells helping to maintain production, said the company in its half-year results.

Neptune also plans to increase output during Q3 2022 with contributions from Snøhvit (Norway), Touat (Algeria) and the K2b-A8 sidetrack (Netherlands) due to come onstream during August.

Higher production is additionally available from fields shut-in for maintenance during Q2.

Neptune plans temporary shutdown at Cygnus, F3 and NOGAT pipeline (Netherlands), along with maintenance and export restrictions at Adorf and Ringe (Germany).

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