Tertiary Minerals plc has intersected widespread copper and zinc mineralisation at its Mushima North copper project in Zambia.

Twenty-five holes were drilled to a maximum depth of 112m on three traverses at target A1, a copper-in-soil anomaly covering 3km north-south by 1.5km east-west, and one at C1.
Multiple drill holes from the inaugural programme ended in mineralisation.
Wide downhole intervals of “largely coincident copper and zinc mineralisation”, found on and around traverse one at A1, spanned an “open-ended 350m east-west by 170m north-south area”.
Results include 33m grading 0.21% copper from 22m including 6m downhole grading 0.58% copper from 47m, including 1m downhole grading 1.04% copper from 49m.
Holes intersected narrower intervals of similar copper mineralisation on traverses two and three at A1, and on the traverse at C1.
The field portable X-Ray fluorescence analysis of drill samples is complete and a selection will be sent for laboratory check analysis and for precious metal analysis.
The company has now started a ground magnetic survey at target A1.
Executive chairman Patrick Cheetham said that the results showed that the anomaly at A1 was “rooted in thick intervals” of copper and zinc mineralisation over a wide area.
“The aircore drill rig used for this programme allowed us to complete a meaningful number of widely spaced drill-holes, but the depth limitations of this reconnaissance drilling method meant that many holes ended in mineralisation.
“Use of pXRF analysis in near real-time allowed us to modify the drill programme as it
progressed with the result that the last hole in the programme hit the highest grades – grades similar to those being mined elsewhere in northwest Zambia.
“So far we have only scratched the surface at Mushima North and work is now in progress to help us plan follow-up work for the 2025 field season.”