Extractive Industries

Kistos JV offered new acreage in GLA

Kistos Holdings plc has been offered seven new blocks or part blocks in the Greater Laggan Area, West of Shetlands in a joint venture with TotalEnergies.

Extend: life of existing infrastructure and maximise economic output (Pixabay)


On completion of the licensing round, Kistos will hold a 33.3% working interest in the acreage, with TotalEnergies as operator.

The blocks and part blocks comprise 206/2a; 217/27; 214/28a; 214/29a; 214/22a; 214/23a; 214/24a.

A programme of work includes studies on the partners’ owned seismic dataset.

Kistos said that the JV had already produced oil and gas from the Laggan, Tormore, Glenlivet, and Edradour fields within the GLA.

“The blocks were applied for during the 33rd offshore licensing round, with submissions made in January 2023, and were previously held by the GLA JV prior to Kistos’ acquisition of 20% non-operated stake from TotalEnergies in 2022,” added the company.

“The award of these blocks, which include the previously identified Ballechin exploration prospect, supports the JV partners’ efforts to identify opportunities to extend the life of existing infrastructure and maximise economic output.”

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