Metals & Minerals News

Kavango survey indicates strong conductor at KSZ

Kavango Resources plc’s downhole electromagnetic (DHEM) survey has indicated a strong conductor at the Kalahari Suture Zone (KSZ), Botswana.

Stratigraphy: encountered so far in drill hole KSZDD002 is analogous to that in KSZDD001 (stock photo)


The 100%-owned project covers 16 prospecting licences over 8,831.1km2 including 14 licences over a “significant” portion of the 450km long KSZ magnetic anomaly in the southwest of the country.

Kavango is exploring for copper-nickel-PGM rich sulphide ore bodies.

The company completed the first DHEM survey on hole KSZDD002 to 350m, with indications that the B1 conductor target had a conductance of 11,000 Siemens.

“This is an increase of 37.5% from the original modelled response, derived from a surface time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) survey, confirming this is a strong conductor.

“As originally planned, hole KSZDD002 is oriented towards the centre of the B1 conductor.

“The company estimates it will intercept the B1 conductor between 525m and 575m.

“The stratigraphy encountered so far in hole KSZDD002 is analogous to the stratigraphy encountered in hole KSZDD001, 1km away.”

Equity Drilling and Mindea Exploration and Drilling Services (Pty) have paused drilling until the new year.