Extractive Industries

Kavango-Power Metal start fourth Ditau drill hole

Kavango Resources plc said it had completed the third diamond drill hole on the i1 target and started drilling the next target at the Ditau Camp joint venture (JV) rare earth element (REE)-base metal project in southwest Botswana.

Surveys: a possible intrusive body at the i8 target at Ditau Camp, southwest Botswana (Kavango / Power Metal)


The 50-50 JV, under the name of Kanye Resources, is between Kavango as the operator and Power Metal Resources plc

Ditau is considered prospective for carbonatite hosted rare-earth element (REE), base metal and possible precious metal mineralisation.

Kavango has identified 12 geophysical structures/targets at Ditau (targets i1 to i12), which it believes could be possible carbonatites and/or intrusive complexes that may host carbonatites.

Nine of the targets are particularly well defined.

A total of three drill holes for a combined core length of 1,037.3m have been to date completed as part of the 2022 drilling programme.

Power Metal chief executive Paul Johnson said that drilling was progressing at significant pace with an intensely active period underway at the Kanye JV.


Kanye said that the drill rig has relocated to the i8 target and started drilling hole DITDD006 planned to a depth of 400m.

The company has also shipped the first batch of drill core samples from hole DITDD004 for testing.

The i8 target is highlighted by a circa 4km diameter ring structure interpreted from airborne magnetic survey data.

Further sample batches from hole DITDD004 will be dispatched during the coming weeks.

Target DrillholeUTM EUTM NAzimuth (°) Inclination (°) Final depth
i10DITDD003 640350 7231120 000-80300.1m
i8DITDD0066541007233400180-80In progress
2022 drill programme summary table (WGS 84 UTM Z34S) – (Kavango/Power Metal)


Kavango chief executive Ben Turney added that the past 18 months’ work was paying off with an acceleration of work programmes and the use of enhanced technology in the field.

“Our recent CSAMT [controlled source audio-magnetotelluric] surveys illustrate perfectly how much progress Kavango has made.

“As such, we have decided to perform further surveys on the recently drilled i10 and i1 targets.

“We are hopeful this data, together with what we learn from the drill cores, will sharpen future targeting in our hunt for economic mineralisation.”

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