Kavango Resources plc said it had identified two strongly conductive geophysical targets near borehole KSZDD002 at the Kalahari Suture Zone (KSZ) copper-nickel-PGM project in Botswana.

The company had originally assumed that there was a single conductive conductive body.
Kavango has now completed KSZDD002 to the target depth of 650m and a successful downhole Time Domain Electromagnetic (DHEM) survey to 640m.
From this, the company noted that the borehole passed through a gap between two distinct conductors.
Secondly, the intersection of a Karoo intrusive at the target depth was correct for Kavango’s Karoo intrusive hosted nickel-copper exploration model.
Thirdly, Kavango said it had detected at least one very strong conductor 150m off the borehole with a high conductance of 16,000 Siemens.
“This is a significant increase in conductivity from previous models, and upgrades the target ranking for possible Ni-Cu sulphides.”
Finally, the company detected a second conductor with modelled conductance of 2,500 Siemens.
Kavango plans to evaluate and remodel all available surface TDEM and DHEM data.
The company will also conduct follow up surface TDEM and further DHEM over the original area of the B1 conductor to model the size, shape and orientation of the two conductors
Additionally, Kavango aims to drill up to two further holes targeting the two conductors based on the refined geophysical models
And it will conduct a more extensive TDEM campaign over Target Area A and the rest of Target Area B (Great Red Spot).
Chief executive Ben Turney added that the company would return to the KSZ after drilling at the Ditau project.
“This will give our geophysicists time to complete new TDEM and DHEM surveys over the Great Red Spot, with the objective of confirming drill collar locations.
“With a current working capital position of £1.7 million, we move forward with confidence.”