Metals & Minerals News

Kavango extends deadline for Molopo acquisition

Kavango Resources plc announced an extension to the exclusive three-month option to acquire 85.23% of Kalahari Key Mineral Exploration Pty Ltd (KKME) in Botswana.

Deadline: the exploration project is focused on nickel, copper and platinum group elements (Power Metal Resources)


KKME is a private company, which currently owns 100% of prospecting licences PL310/2016, PL311/2016 and PL202/2018 known as the Molopo Farms project.

The exploration project is focused on nickel, copper and platinum group elements.

Kavango said that the option deadline, which was due to expire yesterday (24 February), is now at close of business on 28 February 2022.

Other than the extension, the original terms remain the same.


Power Metal Resources plc has an effective 40% interest in Molopo, which it will convert into equity on a pro-rated basis in KKME should the proposed acquisition complete.

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