Kavango Resources plc has completed initial resource diamond drilling at Prospect 3 within the Hillside gold project in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe.

The company said that the programme of 34 holes for 2,109.16 metres had provided sufficient geological information and sample material for assay, metallurgical and geotechnical test work for an initial mining plan.
Prospect 3 is the second of two priority targets at Hillside, with Prospect 4 planned to have an underground high-grade gold operation.
Drilling began in November 2024 and centred on the initial scoping hole NSDD002 near which artisanal miners were producing gold from 12 surface workings with at least 2 different vein orientations.
Kavango aims to complete the test work for an inaugural maiden resource and, if needed, design a trial open pit heap leach mining operation.
“We have high hopes for our Hillside gold project and, if we are able to prove there is a minable resource at Prospect 3, we aim to bring that into production this year,” added chief executive Ben Turney.
“We only set [subsidiary] Kavango Zimbabwe up in July 2023, so to be on the cusp of hopefully moving one of our discoveries into production in such a short period of time is a significant achievement.”