Metals & Minerals News

Kavango completes first drill hole at Hukuntsi at KSZ

Kavango Resources plc has completed the first geological borehole in Target Area A in the Hukuntsi (northern) section of the Kalahari Suture Zone (KSZ) project.

Value: the Kalahari Suture Zone (KSZ) project alongside Kavango’s other interests in Botswana (Kavango Resources)


Hole TA2DD001 was drilled to 578m, after which the company signed an addendum to the current drill contract with Equity Drilling & Mindea Exploration and Drilling Services (Pty).

This will see Kavango drill up to six geological holes in the current campaign in the KSZ.

Drilling was stopped 10m below the final contact with the Karoo gabbro, with the primary objective being met and core samples extracted throughout the entire hole.

Kavango said that visual inspection of cores confirmed the presence of sulphides.

Coal seams were encountered, confirming the presence of potential source of sulphur for formation of magmatic sulphides.


Core cutting is expected to take three to four weeks to enable full sweep analysis of all core samples.

This will include assay testing, fire assay testing for gold and platinum group elements (PGEs), whole rock geochemical analysis and petrology analysis.

The company intends to start downhole electromagnetic (EM) immediately.


Further expansion of the drill campaign will involved up to six boreholes now planned in the campaign, targeting Target Areas A and C (the A-C Corridor) and Target Area B.

A rig is being immediately mobilised to site of hole TA2DD002 in Target Area A.

On completion of hole TA2DD002, the rig will mobilise to Target Area B to drill the main exploration target (Target B1)


TA2DD001, located 1km west of TA2DD001, will test deeper Karoo gabbro “keel” (up to 800m), believed to be connected to the same gabbro encountered at Hole TA2DD001.

Kavango will also test a potential contact between Karoo and Proterozoic gabbros, which might represent a possible volcanic ‘feeder’ zone.

The hole will target the same >1km geophysical anomaly drilled at hole TA2DD001.


“Our strategic objective in the KSZ in 2021 is proof of concept,” said chief executive Ben Turney.

“If we can achieve this, the prize on offer is considerable. The successful completion of hole TA2DD001 will hopefully prove to be a significant step forward in that direction.

“This is the deepest hole Kavango has drilled.

“The quality of core samples is superb and provides us with exactly the raw materials we need to perform detailed rock analysis to test the KSZ’s potential to host magmatic sulphide ore bodies.

“The drill rig is mobilising 1,000m from its current location to test a deeper ‘Norilsk-style keel’ formation, on the western edge of the A2 conductive anomaly.

“This next hole should really take us into the guts of the KSZ and will hopefully provide us with the most valuable geological data recovered yet in this region.

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