Equipment & Logistics Metals & Minerals News

Kavango completes KCB licences airborne survey

Kavango Resources plc has completed an airborne geophysical survey over its 7,629km2 Kalahari copper belt project in Botswana.

Identify: target zones for ground geophysical follow-up and drilling (Kavango)


The survey will test whether the copper-silver prospective geological and geophysical features, interpreted on the recently acquired three licences of PL203/2016, PL127/2017 and PL205/2016, extend into the company’s pre-existing adjacent licence areas.

The survey covered block 1A over PL046/2020, PL049/2020, PL052/2020 and PL053/2020, and block 1B over PL205/2016.

Final processed data, expected by the end of February, will be inverted and modelled before final interpretation to identify target zones for ground geophysical follow-up and drill targets.

Kavango’s goal is to identify “higher confidence” drill targets.