Extractive Industries

Kavango awarded EMP for Kalahari licences

Kavango Resources plc has been awarded an environmental management plan (EMP) covering all of its prospecting licences in the Kalahari copper belt, Bostwana.

Optimisation: of future soil-sampling programmes (stock photo)


The two-year licences include those within the Kanye Resources 50-50 joint venture with Power Metal Resources plc and the 90% earn-in JV with LVR GeoExplorers (Pty) Ltd.

Kavango said that the final phase of field exploration was underway before initial target selection.

The company is currently re-logging of data from historic drill holes and conducting a ground magnetic survey on the southern limb of the Acacia target, in the South Ghanzi project (part of the Kanye JV).

Kavango has also started to optimise future soil-sampling programmes and the initial drill strategy is being finalised.

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