Karelian Diamond Resources plc said that the Lahtojoki diamond mine boundary will remain in its original position, as ruled by the Finnish Land Court.

The company added that on 12 August, the court also rejected two landowners’ appeals in relation to compensation from the mine development, except for three items subject to a review by the National Land Survey.
The landowners, who must contribute to Karelian’s court costs, have 60 days to appeal against the court’s decision.
The company already has a mining concession for Lahtojoki, which lies in the Kuopio Kaavi region, and is “expected to be the first diamond mine in the European Union”.
The deposit contains “high quality colourless gem diamonds”, “pink” and “other coloured diamonds”.
Chairman Professor Richard Conroy added: “We are pleased to receive the decision of the Finnish Land Court which brings finalisation to the establishment of the mine boundaries.
“We will await the completion of proceedings in relation to the compensation to the two landowners concerned.”