Metals & Minerals News

Kanye JV adds base metals to REEs exploration at Ditau

Kanye Resources Pty Ltd joint venture (JV) said it had increased its exploration scope by adding base metals to rare earth elements at its project in Ditau, Botswana.

Promise: Kanye hopes that the TDEM survey will provide additional valuable data ahead of drilling in Q4 (Power Metal Resources)


The 50-50 JV comprises operator Kavango Resources plc and Power Metal Resources plc with exploration costs equally shared.

Kavango said it had accelerated drilling on I10 Target, which will be followed by a Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) survey.

Drilling of I10 is planned for the fourth quarter 2021 together with a downhole electromagnetic survey (EM).

The JV also has an environmental management plan in place.


Kavango chief executive Ben Turney said that the TDEM technology held a great deal of promise to unlock the region’s prospective potential.

“The more we can test its use with drilling, the better.

“We are keen to complete a first TDEM survey at I10 to see if we can identify a conductive body.

“Based on the ground AMT, gravity and magnetic surveys we have completed over I10 this was already a priority drill target.

“Our hope is that the TDEM survey will provide us with additional valuable data, ahead of drilling here later this quarter.”