Extractive Industries

JOG draws interest in regional electrification at GBA

Jersey Oil & Gas plc (JOG) said it had received significant interest in a collaboration for an area-wide electrification project involving the Greater Buchan Area (GBA) development in the North Sea.

Progress: Jersey Oil & Gas is in discussions with several parties (Jersey Oil & Gas – CGI)


The company believes that regional electrification could benefit the GBA and neighbouring facilities through possible reductions in both capex and opex.

If successful, GBA would be the first new development in the UK Continental Shelf to be fully powered by electricity.

JOG has been engaged in discussions with the Oil and Gas Authority, oil and gas industry parties and potential third-party infrastructure funding businesses.


On 14 August, JOG completed the data acquisition stage for the GBA’s pre-FEED (front-end engineering and design) offshore work programme.

This includes environmental, geotechnical and geophysical surveys of the cable route for power from shore and pipeline route data requirements.

The company is currently analysing the data which will form part of the environmental impact assessments for the GBA.

FEED entry, together with previously advised final investment decision (FID) and first oil milestone dates, will be re-phased once near-term studies on regional electrification have progressed to define the options available.

The company added that its farm-out process also continues.

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