Metals & Minerals News

WCM mine plans might be decided by Government

West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) might have to wait for the Government to authorise its new metallurgical mine off the coast near Whitehaven.

Decision: at the council’s request government officials issued an Article 31 holding direction (generic)


WCM is due to hear from Cumbria County Council tomorrow (2 October) whether it will approve the mine following revised details of the plans.

Secretary of state for housing, communities and local government Robert Jenrick issued a holding order as standard procedure, which could see the plans either called in him to make the final decision or return the application to the council.

“In exercise of his powers under Article 31 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, the Secretary of State hereby directs your council not to grant permission on this application without specific authorisation.

“This direction is issued to enable him to consider whether he should direct under Section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 that the application should be referred to him for determination.

“This direction does not, of course, prevent your council from considering the application, forming a view as to the merits or, if they are so minded, refusing permission.”

An ministry spokesperson added: “At the request of the council, officials have issued an Article 31 holding direction.”


WCM’s application is to develop a new underground metallurgical coal mine and associated development at the former Marchon chemicals site, Pow Beck Valley and the area from Marchon to St Bees coast.

The local authority originally granted permission on 19 March 2019.

This was followed by a judicial challenge which was withdrawn in May 2020.

The project is backed by Australian investment company EMR Capital Resources which acquired a controlling interest in WCM on 3 June 2014.

(Edit 2.10.20: This article has been amended to correct an inaccuracy)