IOG plc announced it had spud the Blythe development well in the UK Southern North Sea and expected first gas during the fourth quarter of 2021.

The well is the second in the company’s Phase 1 project, following Elgood, and is expected to take under three months to drill and complete before the rig moves to Southwark.
The Noble Hans Deul jack-up rig mobilised from the Elgood field location on 27 July and the Blythe well spudded at 11pm yesterday (2 August).
Chief executive Andrew Hockey said that the company had collaborated with main drilling contractors Noble Corporation, Petrofac and Schlumberger, platform duty holder ODE asset management and partner CalEnergy Resources (UK) Ltd.
“We have a very clear collective focus on ensuring safe and efficient performance leading successfully to first gas in Q4 2021 from the Blythe Hub before continuing into 2022 at Southwark.”