Extractive Industries

IOG flow tests Blythe development well

IOG plc said it had drilled, cleaned up and flow tested the Blythe well 48/23a-H1 within two months of spudding.

Potential: IOG will maintain its prudent planning price deck as it works up the next phases of growth (IOG)


The Noble Hans Deul jack-up rig drilled the well to a total depth of 10,750ft measured depth (MD) and flow tested to a maximum gas rate of 45.5 mmscf/d through an 80/64th inch choke.

The Blythe field is planned to be produced through the Blythe normally unmanned platform, via the 12″ pipeline laid earlier this year.

This connects to the main 24″ Saturn Banks pipeline to Bacton.

IOG said it continued to expect first gas from both the Blythe and Elgood fields during Q4 2021 once the final subsea and onshore installations are complete.

The Noble Hans Deul rig is expected to mobilise shortly across to Southwark, the third of the Phase 1 fields, where it will spud the next production well through the Southwark platform.


Chief executive Andrew Hockey said that the company was integrating the well data into planning for the start-up of both Blythe and Elgood in Q4.

“The improvement in drilling performance at Blythe is also very encouraging as we progress on to Southwark and then on to drill the Goddard and Southern Hub appraisal wells in mid-2022.

“Gas market conditions not just for this coming winter but throughout the forward curve indicate the potential for very strong cash flow generation for IOG over the coming years.

“We plan to start executing a sensible hedging strategy once onstream, while we also maintain our prudent planning price deck as we work up the next phases of growth.”

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