Extractive Industries

IOG chair and director Fiona MacAulay retires

IOG plc director and chair Fiona MacAulay has retired, as the company previously announced, following its general meeting today.

Ms MacAulay said it had been a real honour to serve as chair of IOG as the company grew from an unfunded concept into the UK’s newest gas producer.

“The journey has not been without its challenges but thanks to the team’s tireless efforts, we have made much progress in that time.

“Looking forward, I have great confidence that the refreshed management team can regain momentum and realise the true potential of this business.”

“It has been a pleasure working with Fiona as she helped guide IOG through its development and early stages as a gas production company,” added chief executive Rupert Newall.

“We wish her the best in her future endeavours.”

Ms MacAlay will be replaced by Esa Ikaheimonen.

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