News Oil & Gas

EnQuest investors back Golden Eagle share acquisition

EnQuest’s shareholders have supported the company’s plans to invest in the producing Golden Eagle area of UK North Sea.

Plan: in February, EnQuest announced it aimed to buy Suncor Energy UK’s interest in the Golden Eagle area (Suncor Energy Ltd)

Results published today of a general meeting, showed 99.997% voted in favour of the proposals.

In February 2021, EnQuest announced its intention to buy Suncor Energy UK’s 26.69% non-operated interest in the Golden Eagle area for an initial consideration of $325 million (£235m).

In June, the company secured a £530m senior secured borrowing base debt facility to help finance the purchase, and also intends to raise a further £36m through a firm placing, placing and open offer.

Golden Eagle is operated by Chinese company CNOOC International and is located some 111 kilometres northeast of Aberdeen.

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