Extractive Industries

IGas CEO Stephen Bowler leaves by mutual consent

IGas Energy plc’s chief executive officer Stephen Bowler has left the company by mutual consent.

The news comes as the company appointed a new chief financial officer and interim executive chairman.

Mr Bowler was chief financial officer from November 2011 to May 2015 before becoming CEO.

He guided the company through periods of low oil prices and changing government policies over shale gas, and was instrumental in the acquisition of geothermal business GT Energy. 

“It has been a privilege to have been involved with IGas for so many years and to have worked with so many dedicated and talented employees,” said Mr Bowler

“Whilst I am disappointed not to be part of the business going forwards, I am leaving the company on a firm financial footing, remain a shareholder and look forward to the company’s continued progress.”

“During his time at IGas, Steve has made a significant contribution to the development of the group and I wish him all the best for the future,” added interim executive chairman Chris Hopkinson

IGas said it intended to start searching for a chief executive officer in due course.

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