Metals & Minerals News

Hummingbird resumes 24-hour operations at Yanfolila

Hummingbird Resources plc announced it had resumed 24-hour operations and lowered production guidance from its Yanfolila gold mine in Mali.

Guidance: Hummingbird now expects full year 2021 production of 84,000 to 89,000 oz (Hummingbird Resources)


After a stoppage of approximately six days, the company said it was in the process of returning the mine to a more normalised level of production.

Increased security is in place but has caused an overall slowing of the movement of people and equipment.

Hummingbird added that all employees and contractors were accounted for and it was experiencing minimal impacts on fuel, food, reagents and critical spares.

Chief operating officer Anthony Köcken said that the company was working with host communities to try to ensure the avoidance of such disruptions in the future. 


The company has completed the dewatering of the key operating pits, Komana East and Komana West.

Both pits are now operating with a gradual increase in processing in line with the availability of ore supply as the pits recover to more normal levels.

Yanfolila’s regular gold pours which were temporarily ceased during the unrest are now restored.


Two of the larger excavators, of a fleet of seven, that were unavailable for most of September are back online.

However, Hummingbird said that the mining contractor’s excavator fleet was failing to perform consistently to the scheduled mining volume rates.

The company plans to conduct a detailed review of the overall contractor equipment maintenance procedures and equipment status.

It is also looking to bring in additional excavators to increase availability and allow better maintenance of existing equipment.

One additional unit is expected to operational before the end of the year.


During November, Hummingbird said that the full year production forecast would be below the bottom end of the 2021 guidance range.

Current gold poured for the year is currently over 82,000 oz but due to the temporary cessation of operations following the unrest, Hummingbird said it now expected full year 2021 production of 84,000 to 89,000 oz.