Metals & Minerals News

Hummingbird positive on upgrading Yanfolila

Hummingbird Resources plc said that it had positive results from drilling aimed at upgrading inferred resources into the indicated category at its Yanfolila gold mine in southern Mali.

Unlock: full potential by diligent analysis and strategic planning (Pixabay)


During the first quarter, exploration mainly focused on the Sanioumale West North pit and Kabaya South deposits.

The company added that Sanioumale West North showed “potential for near-term addition” to the operations mine plan, with 2,223 metres completed across 34 reverse circulation holes.

At Kabaya South, updating continues of the historic SAMREC resource of 85 Koz at 1.31g/t to align with JORC.

Reverse circulation drill chips from 42 drill holes, between 2006 and 2012, for a total 4,192m have been relogged for inclusion in the revised geological model.

Additionally, drone surveys obtained current topographic surfaces to account for artisanal depletion since the original mineral resource estimate.

During H2 2024, modelling and an updated mineral resource estimate for the Sanioumale West North drilling campaigns and relogging of drill chips from Kabaya South are expected to complete.

Results will be incorporated into next year’s resource statement.

The company aims to start drilling at the end of the wet season in Q3 2024.

Interim executive chairman Dan Betts said that exploration was central to the long-term success of operations.

“The success of our recent findings at the Sanioumale West North pit, demonstrated by the exceptional 21m at 14.93 g/t, are promising as we look to grow the reserve and resource bases and in turn expand the life of mine.

“We are committed to unlocking the full potential of our assets through diligent analysis and strategic planning.”