Extractive Industries

Hummingbird mobilises equipment at Kouroussa

Hummingbird Resources plc announced mobilisation of equipment and personnel along with further “significant” results at its gold mine at Kouroussa in Guinea.

Expectations: Hummingbird will review in 2022 further recent drill assays from Kouroussa (Hummingbird Resources)


The company aims to start construction in early January 2022 with first gold pour targeted by the end of Q2 2023.

Hummingbird has appointed construction and engineering firm WACOM for the work and started detailed engineering on structural, mechanical, and electrical requirements.

Tenders for other key contracts are at advanced and the project’s carbon emission reduction strategies is expected to include “a significant solar component” and other technologies.

Coris Bank International has advanced US$40 million for construction to begin. 


The results are from the second assay batch of results on 40 reverse circulation and seven diamond holes on the high-grade KoeKoe (KK) deposit.

Drilling covers 4,562m out of the company’s 24,000m infill drilling programme for 2021.

Notable drill results from the KK deposit include:

– 55m at 35.72 g/t from 77m (KRCD1729A) including an interval zone of 20.75m at 91.98 g/t

– 5.9m at 12.72 g/t from 94m (KRCD1880)

– 10.2m at 5.68 g/t from 34m (KRCD1884)

– 9.8m at 5.82 g/t from 3m (KRC1821)

– 49m at 5.50 g/t from 70m (KRC1866)

– 10m at 4.76 g/t from 140m (KRCD1878)

– 6m at 4.91 g/t from 29m (KRCD1880)


Hummingbird said that drill hole KRCD1729A had exceeded expectations in terms of grade and confirmed the interpretation of the current mineral resources estimate and potential for further resource growth.

The 2021 Kouroussa infill drilling campaign is nearing completion with less than 1,500m drilling to be completed during December.

The programme will feed into the company’s new revised 2022 resources and reserves statements in Q2 2022.

Further recently received assays from the 2021 Kouroussa infill drilling campaign will be reviewed in the new year.

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