Extractive Industries

Hummingbird looks to improve on Q1 operations

Hummingbird Resources plc said it expected operations to improve following first quarter results from its gold expoloration and mining portfolio in West Africa.

Schedule: Hummingbird’s earn-in partner, Pasofino Gold Ltd is due to release details of the definitive feasibility study (Pasofino Gold)


The company previously forecast lower Q1 2022 production which was recorded at 15,548 oz gold (Q4 2021: 18,181oz).

This was due mainly to the planned essential maintenance work on the processing plant, and the gradual improvement in mining rates as extra excavators were added during the later end of the quarter.

Hummingbird said that with additional excavators now operating on site, daily mining volume rates have continued to increase.

Company all-in sustaining costs (AISC) increased to US$2,235 per oz for Q1 2022 (Q4 2021: $1,803/oz) primarily due to the lower quarterly production.

Hummingbird forecast lower AISC for the remainder of the year, in line with forecast production improvements.

Unit Q1 2022 Q4 2021 Q3 2021 Q2 2021 Q1 2021
Gold poured oz15,54818,18122,10224,49422,781
Mined BCMsbcms2,164,2531,920,3112,095,9352,672,7882,865,292
Ore minedt502,800445,808392,005443,490364,114
Ore processedt298,925341,936326,020391,652345,374
Avg. grade mill feedg/t1.711.792.272.142.16
Gold inventory – incl SMOoz2,5572,2462,7691,9722,596
Ore mined includes high grade, low grade, and marginal material. Ore processed is a blend based on preferential feed of high-grade
and low grade, with marginal ore added as an incremental feed source (Hummingbird Resources)


Hummingbird sold 15,179 oz of gold sold in Q1 2022 at an average realised price of $1,837/oz (Q4 2021: 18,489 oz at an average realised price of $1,782).

The company held 2,557 oz of gold inventory at 31 March 2022, valued at  ~US$5.0 million  

In January, construction began at Kouroussa with civil works now underway and first gold pour scheduled by the end of Q2 2023

At Dugbe, Liberia the company’s earn-in partner, Pasofino Gold Ltd remains on course to release details of the definitive feasibility study (DFS) in Q2 2022.

A revised company resources and reserve statement, to include the 2021 drilling campaigns at Yanfolila and Kouroussa, is still due later in Q2 2022.


Hummingbird maintains its 2022 guidance of 87,000 – 97,000 oz of gold, with an AISC of  US$1,300  – US$1,450 per oz of gold with forecasts of improving trends.

Chief executive Dan Betts added that the company continued to receive the final results from the 2021 group-wide drilling campaign for both Yanfolila and particularly Kouroussa.

“These results are now being incorporated into our updated company resources and reserves statement, which is expected to be released later this quarter.

“As a company, we remain focused on the year ahead as we look to drive operational and productivity improvements at Yanfolila, remain diligent in terms of timeframe, cost, and quality delivery at Kouroussa towards first gold pour at the end of Q2 2023 and show a pathway to delivering shareholder value from Dugbe with a DFS to be issued soon.”

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