Metals & Minerals News

Hummingbird increases gold pour at Yanfolila

Hummingbird Resources plc announced an increase in gold poured and cleared its debt used to fund Yanfolila mine in southern Mali.

Improvements: Hummingbird has achieved a major milestone by paying off the final debt used to fund Yanfolila (Hummingbird Resources)

In its operational and trading review for the second quarter of 2021, the company also reported the fatality of one of its sub-contractors.

Hummingbird additionally made further progress on support for market gardens as part of its environment, social and governance (ESG) programmes.


During Q2 2021, the company poured 24,494 oz of gold (Q1 2021: 22,781 oz) with gold sold recorded at 24,790 oz at an average realised price of US$1,802 per oz.

Gold inventory stood at 1,972 oz at 30 June 2021 and valued at $3.4 million.

Net cash (including gold inventory value) was $12.4m (Q1 2021: $4.9m) with $4.7m of final debt repayments made, taking the company into a debt free position described as a major milestone by chief executive Dan Betts.

All in Sustaining Cost (AISC) was $1,386 per oz (Q1 2021: $1,494/oz)

UnitQ2 2021Q1 2021Q4 2020Q3 2020Q2 2020Q1 2020
Gold pouredoz        24,494        22,781        22,012        24,722        24,054          30,282
Ore minedt      443,490      364,114      382,289      268,726      334,094        446,183
Ore processedt      391,652      345,374      359,208      352,348      337,926        339,159
Avg. grade mill feedg/t             2.14             2.16             2.03             2.27             2.36              2.98
Recovery% 91.88 92.97 93.47 95.18 94.78 93.19
Gold inventory *oz           1,972           2,596           1,980           4,634           4,339          11,000
* Q1 2020 gold inventory was high due to COVID-19 impacting gold shipments during that quarter (Hummingbird Resources)

During Q2, Hummingbird also began cost and productivity initiatives focused on short and long-term improvements in each department and aiming to deliver lower AISC and increase overall productivity


Hummingbird said it was maintaining its 2021 production guidance of 100,000 – 110,000 oz of gold, with an AISC of $1,250 – 1,350 per oz of gold.

The company expects full-year production to be weighted towards the second half of the year in line with guidance expectations at the start of the year.


Some $3.5m was spent during Q2 on exploration at Yanfolila with 32,500m of the 44,600m forecast for the year drilled to date (2020: 21,000m).

The Sanioumale East (SE) deposit in particular recorded significant results

Hummingbird said that the results provided further confidence that the 2020 SE deposit JORC compliant mineral resource base of 204,000 oz will be increased.

Multiple assays are awaiting results and the company expects to release more drilling results during Q3.


Hummingbird is finalising detailed capex estimates for its licences awarded in May at KouroussaGuinea.

At Dugbe in Liberia, Hummingbird’s earn-in partner, Pasofino Gold Ltd released results of an independent preliminary economic assessment (PEA) highlighting strong project pre-tax NPV5% economics ranging from $825 – $1,153m (dependent on gold price).