Metals & Minerals News

Hummingbird finds ‘excellent’ gold grades at depth

Hummingbird Resources plc reported continued “excellent grades at depth” from the exploration drilling programme at the Komana East (KE) deposit at the Yanfolila gold mine, Mali.

Hummingbird is building on geological work conducted over the past two years (Hummingbird Resources)


Drill testing the northern extension of the KE ore body aims to increase the resources and confidence for future KE underground (KEUG) mining potential.

The company said that each hole of the programme had intersected mineralisation over the +300m long strike length tested, to a depth of approximately 200m below surface, with excellent grades of +3 g/t achieved.

Results from 18 new diamond drill holes for 4,100m at the KE deposit include:

▪ 1.3 m at 7.00 g/t from 242.7 m (KEUGDD018)
▪ 3.4 m at 5.35 g/t from 231.6 m (KEUGDD022)
▪ 3.59 m at 5.17 g/t from 239 m (KEUGDD026)
▪ 7.9 m at 4.22 g/t from 248.1 m (KEUGDD029)
▪ 5.2 m at 3.83 g/t from 156 m (KEUGDD015)
▪ 4.4 m at 3.67 g/t from 251.6 m (KEUGDD025)
▪ 8.8 m at 2.87 g/t from 205 m (KEUGDD017)
▪ 2.2 m at 2.46 g/t from 249.8 m (KEUGDD027)

Mineralisation is open at depth and continues to plunge to the north showing future underground mining growth potential.

The latest holes, those from the 2020 and 2021 drill programme along with drilling conducted by the previous owner and operator are being used in the economic analysis for the pre-feasibility study (PFS) to prove up and include the KEUG in the company’s future mine plans.


Chief executive Dan Betts said that the company’s technical teams were conducting mine design and schedules to assess the economic viability of KEUG with the aim of including it in the company’s future mining plans.

“Our ongoing drill results continue to be very encouraging, from various deposits, and give us increasing confidence of adding life of mine potential at Yanfolila.”

Chief geologist Murray Paterson added that the company’s focus for 2022 was to target the continuity of the higher-grade areas at depth below the current base of the mineral resource model.

“It’s an exciting time as we continue to build on some excellent geological work carried out over the past two years as we look to add more mineral resources and extend mine life for the company.”