Metals & Minerals News

Hummingbird confident of expanding SE resource

Hummingbird Resources plc said that results from 14 new drilled holes showed “excellent” potential for the Sanioumale East (SE) deposit at the Yanfolila gold mine, Mali.

Potential: results from the 14 new holes represent some of the very best intersections at Yanfolila (Hummingbird Resources)

The company also announced today it was in the process of issuing the final shares to Cassidy Group for the acquisition on the Kouroussa gold project in Guinea.


The 14 new holes focus on finding additional resources and have had notable results particularly SNERC0425 which showed 5.33 g/t at surface for 40m.

Hummingbird continued to intersect, at depth, further high-grade zones with two assay values returning grades of 212.35 g/t in hole SNERC0423 (down hole depth of 110m over a one metre sample); and 93.3 g/t in hole SNERC0431 (down hole depth of 14m over a one metre sample).

Hole NumberDepth From (m)Depth To (m)Intercept Description
SNERC042524240m @ 5.33 g/t
SNERC04231081179m @ 26.33 g/t
includes 1m at 212 g/t from 110m
SNERC043111209m @ 15.58 g/t
includes 1m at 93.3 g/t from 14m
SNERC04278610014m @ 5.55 g/t
SNERC04321211265m @ 5.23 g/t
SNERC043788946m @ 3.50 g/t
SNERC042313215624m @ 2.21 g/t *
* hole ended in mineralisation
Notable drill results from SE (Hummingbird Resources)

The company said that the results give gave further confidence that it will build on the 2020 SE deposit JORC compliant mineral resource base of 204,000 oz.

To date, 13,836m of the planned 15,000m drill programme has been completed at SE as part of Hummingbird’s 2021 exploration campaign at Yanfolila (2020: 8,457m was drilled at SE).


The company will drill areas between the three potential open pits to determine if they could be joined up or extend deeper than currently defined.

This will be followed by diamond drilling a number of holes that encountered mineralisation at depths of more than 200m. 

The deeper zones could add to the open pit resources and demonstrate SE’s underground potential.

Chief executive Dan Betts said that the grade profile (and shallow depth) of the 14 new holes highlighted very encouraging results and represented some of the very best intersections at Yanfolila.

Hummingbird also has exploration programmes at Dugbe in Liberia through its JV partner Pasofino, and at Kouroussa in Guinea.